Who We Are

Who We Are

Work­ers of the Vine­yard” is a con­vent of the Chaldean Catholic Dio­cese of St. Peter the Apos­tle, USA, who have promised their gifts for ded­i­cated ser­vice to Christ and his Church in order that they might grow in holi­ness by fill­ing the needs of the Dio­cese and their
com­mu­nity, as direct­ed by the Eparchial Bish­op.

The Work­ers of the Vine­yard first began in 2007 as a house for dis­cern­ing lay women. It was estab­lished by His Excel­lency, Bish­op Sarhad Yawsip Jam­mo as a house for young women to enter and dis­cern the will of the Lord. Today, the Work­ers of the Vine­yard is a con­vent of reli­gious sis­ters. On May 10, 2012, two of the orig­i­nal mem­bers who joined made their Final Vows.

We are Chaldean Rite Catholics and one of the East­ern Church­es in union with the Holy See. Chaldeans are descen­dants of the ancient Baby­lo­ni­ans and make up the Chris­t­ian pop­u­la­tion in Iraq. Due to war and per­se­cu­tion, a major­i­ty of Chaldeans have left Iraq and are liv­ing in dif­fer­ent coun­tries around the world. If you would like to learn more about Chaldeans, please vis­it www.kaldu.org.

Our apos­to­late is teach­ing through schools and the media. If you would like more infor­ma­tion on our mis­sion, please vis­it our About page.